Life is keeping me away from my miniatures (visiting friends in another city, see my other blog for details if at all interested), but I figured I might as well try the new picture features of blogger to see how they work out - and most importantly, if they're any better than doing it by Flickr, my current weapon of choice. Did manage to get the Russ up to something that actually looks kind of good - it's not often that I'm happy about models before they finished (and often not even then ;-)
Anyhow the picture on your right is my Ushabti proof of concept model. Actually liked the color scheme enough to get a Tomb Kings army - it's assembled, awaiting painting - and has been so for the better part of a year. My current focus is the greenskins and getting them ready for a tourney in august, but after that - or seeing things realistically, close to christmas - we'll see..
The Ushabti in its normal habitat can be found at CoolMiniOrNot
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