Thursday, July 28, 2005

National championships coming up

Sorry for the relative quiet here lately. The updates here will be sporadic - sometimes several times a day, sometimes once a month. It ebbs and flows with my work load and other hobbies. If I have a lot of time and feel up to it, I get rather productive with the minis. Or, I might not be for a little while. You never know..

The national championships are next week though. I'm heading there, along with some guys from my old club in Gothenburg. Will bring a camera and get some shots of good looking mins for your perusal.

I just think it's sad I haven't found the time (or rather, motivation) to paint up some of my minis a bit better. They're about the same state as they were in last year - decent color scheme that's visible from far and quite.. stark.. compared to most other 40k armies, but the quality of the paintjob is, while quite allright, not the standard I'd like. Especially not consistently up to the standard I'd like..

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Blogger images is broken (for me at least) so you'll have to make do with a link. Picked this blue/yellow one up at The Waagh discussion boards. Stunning work. I don't particularly care about some of the modelling ideas - ork+tau doesn't mix very well (in my book anyhow), and some of the imperial stuff is just a little bit overboard..

That said, the quality of the jobs is stunning and the paintwork is very, very, very neat. Definitely inspiring for my own attempts at shaping up the yellows a bit (which is also looking nicely I might add) One thing i particularly like is the beige'ish pants some of the orks have. Nice colors, will have to see if I can nick those for some details..

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Work in progress, battlewagon

Originally uploaded by K.A..
Detail shot of a piece I've been working on for two years or somesuch. It still needs a decent amount of painting until I think it's done good and proper. Kind of semi-low gaming quality at the moment, but I want all the details top notch or at least at an acceptable level before I move on from this bastard. Need it done by the end of the month though, so I better get a move on. This, plus the bikers, plus a dreadnought, plus a warboss backbanner and a nob.. yeah, should be doable.


Originally uploaded by K.A..
Ran across this thing on the net, to swap the focus from minis to general (ork) art. Made by a briton by the name of Matt Dixon ( - definitely nice quality there. Seems he has some other few warhammer inspired bits and a decent amount of other random stuff in the portfolio as well..

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Another treat for you, my readers. Yeah, all three of you. I did mention this a week ago already, but figured a picture would say a thousand words or so. These buggers are made by 'Ooan Westlund and there's plenty more good looking models where they come from.
Work prevents me from painting, but nothing says I can't take a break and update the blog a little bit. Ran into quite a nice Ork forum known as The Waagh the other day. Seems to have a nice atmosphere - definitely less crap than Warseer. Todays picture is blatantly stolen from a thread there. Model converted by Scarpia. Simple, yet pretty damn nice looking conversion. Guy managed to do something I never quote nailed - good looking rivets.